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 Defroster Lines and Bubbled Tint?

Should I remove my old film myself?
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Will my rear defroster cause my window film to bubble? 

"NO". A lot of people see cars driving down the road with just their rear window bubbled. This is not due to the rear defroster because if you think about it, it gets much hotter sitting in the sun in the summer than when you use it when the window gets fogged. In fact, window film helps defrosters work faster by distributing the mild heat across the glass a little quicker. The bubbled cars you see are usually cars that the window film is at the end of it's life span. Generally back windows are the first to wear out because they take more of a direct hit from the sun (angled more towards the sky) than the sides do. The sides tend to follow the back window wearing out by about 1 year (or so).

All window films out there will eventually wear out (like tires, shocks, brakes, etc...) . You're better off by the film taking all the sun's abuse and wearing out than your upholstery (less money spent on repairs) This is where the quality comes into play. Better films last longer than cheaper films do. If you have bubbled film needing to be removed and re-tinted and are concerned about removing it off your defroster lines then click the "Next" button below to go to that topic.

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